「笑住戴 · COVID bye bye」surgical mask design competition
為鼓勵公眾積極抗疫,並宣揚胸肺健康的重要性,香港胸肺基金會、香港胸肺學會及美國胸肺學院 (港澳分會) 早前舉辦「笑住戴 · COVID bye bye」口罩設計比賽,反應熱烈,共吸引逾 110 間中小學校、近 1,200 位參賽者參加。小學、中學及公開組三組的冠軍作品,將製成實體口罩作慈善義賣,讓人人「笑住戴」。
In order to encourage the public to actively fight against the pandemic and to promote the importance of chest and lung health, the Hong Kong Lung Foundation, the Hong Kong Thoracic Society and the CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau held the "
笑住戴 · COVID bye bye" surgical mask design competition earlier , the response was overwhelming, attracting nearly 1,200 participants from more than 110 primary and secondary schools. The champion works of the three groups of primary school, secondary school and open group will be made into physical masks for charity sale, so that everyone can "wear with a smile".